Tipps zum Leben und Arbeiten in der Pandemie I
Wie im U-Boot – Tipps für das Homeoffice von einem Experten des Lebens auf engstem Raum
Homeoffice war lange der Herzenswunsch vieler Berufstätiger, die sich nach mehr Freiheit, Selbstbestimmung und Flexibilität gesehnt haben. Aktuell wird Homeoffice in das genaue Gegenteil verkehrt. Freiheit? Selbstbestimmung? Eher die Gefahr von Isolation und Lagerkoller.
Im Internet kursieren gerade eine Reihe interessanter Tweets eines ehemaligen U-Boot-Fahrers, von dessen Erfahrungen des Lebens und Arbeitens auf engstem Raum wir vielleicht profitieren können. (Dank an den Podcast von Jan Böhmermann und Oli Schulz, dem ich diesen Hinweis entnommen habe, eine Zusammenfassung bietet der Independent.)
Hier die Alltagstipps aus dem Twitter-Account: Schaffe Dir eine Routine, erhalte Dir Privatsphäre, iss regelmäßig, trainiere, mach sauber, bleib in Kontakt mit der Außenwelt und bewahre Dir eine Zukunftsperspektive.
Tipp 1: Routine
ROUTINE: Life at sea is dictated by shifts and routines. You can tell what day it was by what was for dinner.Make a routine now, test it then write it down & stick to it. Divide your day up in to work (if home working) rest, exercise, meals, hobbies, etc. Do the same for kids.— Jon Bailey (@SloopJontyB) March 20, 2020
Tipp 2: Privatsphäre
PRIVACY: the only place private at sea was your bunk. Make a dedicated private time / place in the routine. Even if you timeshare the front room get everyone a couple of hours alone. Do whatever you want: watch shit films, pray, yoga, arrange matches: whatever gets you through.— Jon Bailey (@SloopJontyB) March 20, 2020
Tipp 3: Essen
EAT: scran onboard was usually pretty good and broke up the monotony of patrols. Take time to prepare meals. A good mix of “feast & famine” will stop the pounds piling on – one boat dis Steak Saturdays, Fishy Friday, Curry & Pizza nights. On other days soup & bread was enough.— Jon Bailey (@SloopJontyB) March 20, 2020
Tipp 4: Training
EXERCISE: you’ll have the advantage of not having to use a spinning bike in a switchboard. 20-30mins a day of whatever as a minimum. Fitness Blender on YouTube has workouts for all. It’s a natural antidepressant, breaks up the day and keeps you healthy. Get outside when able.— Jon Bailey (@SloopJontyB) March 20, 2020
Tipp 5: Sauber machen
CLEAN: that house is going to get grungy now you’re spending a lot more time in it. Put time in your daily routine to clean and stick to it.— Jon Bailey (@SloopJontyB) March 20, 2020
Tipp 6: In Kontakt bleiben
CONNECT: even during radio silence we still got a weekly telegram from loved ones back home. This was a weekly highlight. Keep in touch with your people. My current work have agreed a daily “coffee” catch up online even if there’s no work to discuss.— Jon Bailey (@SloopJontyB) March 20, 2020
Tipp 7: Eine Zukunftsperspektive bewahren („Es wird vorüber gehen…“)
PERSPECTIVE: like all other patrols, this one will end. It’s a shit sandwich but better than dodging barrel bombs. Don’t obsess the news or Twitter shit. Bring your world closer, focus on little things that you enjoy & make plans for the future. At least you should have a window!— Jon Bailey (@SloopJontyB) March 20, 2020
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